Man Ordered to Pay £13k After Claiming Injury and Doing Martial Arts

A guy tried to get money from an insurance company by saying he got hurt in a car crash, but he ended up having to pay £13,000 instead. Why? Because there was a video of him doing martial arts! Robert Wood, who is 42 years old, said he was unloading his car when a taxi hit him and messed up his arm. He thought he could get £10,000 from Aviva, the insurance company, but they found a video on social media of him doing high kicks and swinging from bars. Oops! At first, he said the guy in the video was his twin brother, but the insurance company figured out that his brother has blonde hair and he has brown hair. So, no more excuses! The judge at Southampton County Court told him he had to pay the insurance company £13,000 for wasting their time. That’s gotta hurt! Aviva’s lawyer said that people like Mr. Wood think they can get away with it, but they’re wrong. They investigate claims like this really carefully. Wood said he should get almost £10,000 for lost wages and other stuff, but the whole case ended up costing him £43,000. That’s a lot of money! Aviva, the insurance company, got suspicious because Wood’s injuries seemed way worse than what happened in the car crash. They thought something fishy was going on, and they were right. They’re serious about stopping fake claims and protecting their customers. The taxi company, whose driver hit Wood, is the one with the insurance policy from Aviva. The insurance company first thought something was up because Wood’s story didn’t match up with what other people said and because his injuries seemed too bad for a small accident. They did the right thing by investigating and not just giving him the money. So, the lesson here is don’t try to trick insurance companies, because they’ll catch you!

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