The One Club That Will Drastically Improve Your Golf Scores

Hey there golfers! If you’re a high-handicapper looking to improve your scores, I’ve got some great advice for you. As a mid-handicapper myself, I’ve noticed that high handicappers often give me a run for my money on the course. And you know where they really excel? Putting. That’s right, the flatstick is the most important club in your bag. So if you want to score lower, listen up.

According to golf experts, putting makes up a whopping 43% of the game. Yet, many golfers, especially high handicappers, don’t spend enough time practicing their putting skills. But here’s the thing, PGA Tour players have a success rate of 99.4% on putts from three feet and closer. That’s practically a gimme for them. But for amateurs, those short putts can be a real challenge.

So, what can you do to improve your putting game? Well, it’s all about increasing your ‘circle of certainty’. This refers to the distance from the hole where you feel confident in making a putt. For some, it might be just one foot, while others might feel comfortable up to three feet. The key is to expand that comfort zone.

To do this, start by practicing short putts. Begin with a one-footer and make 10 putts in a row without missing. Then, move on to 1.5 feet and repeat the process. If you miss a shot, start over again. The goal is to make 10 putts in a row at each distance. This kind of focused practice will make you a better putter.

But it’s not just about short putts. Lag putting is also crucial. On Tour, the break-even point for one-putts and three-putts is around 32 feet. So, practicing lag putts from this distance will help improve your overall putting speed and accuracy.

By combining practice on short putts and lag putts, you’ll become more confident on the green and give yourself a better chance at shooting low scores. That’s why the putter is the one club in your bag that can truly save you strokes. So, high-handicappers, focus on your putting game and watch your scores improve. Happy golfing!

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