The Ups and Downs of Golf in China: A Fascinating Journey

Hey there! So, I came across this really cool book called ‘The Forbidden Game’ by Dan Washburn, and let me tell you, it’s a fascinating read. It’s all about the rise and fall of golf in China, which is something I never really thought about before. Golf in China has had quite the journey, from being denounced by the Communist Party to becoming a symbol of the new Chinese dream.

The book takes you on a journey through the history of golf in China, and it’s really eye-opening. It’s not just about the sport itself, but also about the larger issues that China has faced during its transformation into a modern nation. The author, Dan Washburn, introduces us to a cast of characters who are deeply connected to the game, including an American golf course developer and a Chinese golfer who aspires to turn pro.

One of the things that surprised me the most is that golf has actually been technically illegal in China since 2004. But despite that, the number of golf courses in the country has tripled from 2005 to 2010. It’s crazy to think about how the game has boomed in China, even in the face of legal restrictions.

Washburn also sheds light on the challenges and controversies surrounding golf in China. There’s a lot of corruption, environmental neglect, and disputes over land rights that are intertwined with the sport. It’s not all glitz and glamour, that’s for sure.

The book also delves into the personal stories of the people involved in the golf industry in China. From a peasant farmer turned pro golfer to an American trying to take advantage of the golf boom, their journeys are truly inspiring.

But it’s not all serious stuff. Washburn also shares some funny anecdotes about the eccentric requests made by Chinese golf course owners. One guy wanted a water-themed golf course where golfers would travel from hole to hole by boat. Another wanted a villa right in the middle of a fairway. It’s like mini-golf on a professional course!

Now, you might be wondering why you should care about golf in China. Well, it’s not just about the sport itself. Golf is a reflection of the larger changes happening in the country. It’s a window into China’s rapid economic rise, as well as the social and economic issues it faces.

So, if you’re looking for a fascinating read that will give you a unique perspective on China’s transformation, I highly recommend checking out ‘The Forbidden Game’ by Dan Washburn. It’s a captivating journey through the ups and downs of golf in China, and you won’t be able to put it down!

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