Wheelchair Rugby League Takes Off in the West Country

The launch of Wheelchair Rugby League in the West Country has been a massive hit! The opening evening at the Swindon St George club was a blast, and now they’re gearing up for regular Thursday sessions starting from 23 November.

Last week’s event at the town’s New College Sports Hall, led by coach Tony Ellis, drew in both experienced players and newbies. Some of the newcomers didn’t even know what Wheelchair Rugby League was before showing up!

Ellis kicked things off by explaining the game format and rules to the new recruits. Then, he ran a basic skills and drills session to get everyone warmed up before they dived into their first real taste of Wheelchair Rugby League action.

According to Ellis, “Our unique form of Rugby League is gaining a ton of fans, and the amazing turnout at the event is proof of that.”

Starting from 23 November, two-hour sessions will be held at the New College Sports Hall every Thursday from 8pm. People of all ages and abilities are invited to join, including both able-bodied individuals and regular wheelchair users. If you want more details, shoot an email to swindonstgeorgerl@outlook.com.

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