The traditional martial art known as Drunken Fist, or zui quan, has long been a prominent feature in Chinese cinema due to its impressive portrayal of inebriation. This unique form of kung fu incorporates fluid and unpredictable movements, making it both entertaining and deceptive to observe. Recently, an online reality show entitled Lai Zhe He Ren (“Whence comes this visitor?”) has catapulted this art form into the public eye by challenging aspiring action stars to exhibit their personal style through Drunken Fist choreography.
Led by martial arts star Zhao Wenzhuo, veteran actress Hao Lei, and China’s MMA superstar Zhang Weili, the show seeks to nurture talent for China’s film and television industry. The 14 trainees receive expert instruction in kung fu performance, acting, and physical conditioning from these industry professionals. One standout among the participants is Jerry Liau, also known as Yi Yang, who showcases a compelling Drunken Fist routine that underscores his exceptional martial arts skills, leaving the audience in awe.
With remarkable precision, Jerry embodies the essence of Drunken Fist as he elegantly transitions through challenging moves, gracefully descending to the floor, and executing agile rolls using his upper back, shoulders, and arms while extending his legs upward. The seamless execution of these techniques demonstrates his robust proficiency in martial arts, earning him recognition from both the instructors and spectators alike.
The integration of traditional martial arts such as Drunken Fist into modern entertainment platforms not only introduces the audience to China’s rich cultural heritage but also provides a platform for aspiring talents to exhibit their skills and leave a lasting impression on the industry. The talent and dedication displayed by Jerry Liau and other participants in embracing and reimagining this traditional art form serve as a testament to the enduring relevance and appeal of martial arts in contemporary entertainment.
As Lai Zhe He Ren continues to captivate audiences with its unique blend of traditional martial arts and modern entertainment, it is evident that the timeless art of Drunken Fist—and the talents who bring it to life—will continue to play a significant role in shaping the future of China’s film and television industry.