A Triumph Against the Odds: Newmarket’s Community Hockey Rink Finally Opens

The winter season has posed significant challenges for Chris Howie, a resident of Newmarket, as he has laboured tirelessly to maintain the Lions Park Community Hockey Rink. Unpredictable warm spells and rain in November and December made it extremely difficult for Howie to get the rink operational. Despite making five attempts to open the rink, they were all thwarted by the mild winter weather attributed to the weather phenomenon, El Niño. However, with the recent arrival of cold weather and snow in Newmarket, Howie was finally able to open the rink on January 15, marking the first time it has been accessible this season.

Over the past decade, Howie has been responsible for the rink, offering it for community use free of charge while promoting donations for charitable causes such as the Newmarket Food Pantry. Positioned on top of the park’s tennis courts, the unrefrigerated rink has presented Howie with the challenge of battling the elements to flood and maintain the ice. This winter has seen the latest opening date for the rink in its history due to the unfavourable weather conditions.

Nevertheless, the rink is now available for public use. Howie typically opens it in the evenings on weekdays and for extended hours on weekends and holidays. He also ensures that younger children have the opportunity to skate on the ice first every day. Additionally, with some local schools closing for a P.A. Day, Howie plans to host a skate for the children.

The rink provides a secure and enjoyable environment for children to play, with nets and pucks readily available. Howie stressed that it is a place where kids can learn and play with others the same age, and where families can enjoy a more peaceful atmosphere compared to other crowded skating rinks.

The news of the rink’s opening was received with gratitude from followers on social media. People expressed their appreciation and acknowledged the hard work and effort that went into ensuring the rink could finally open.

Now that the rink is operational, Howie is hopeful for a consistent 60 days of cold weather to keep it functional. He remains optimistic, particularly since the rink’s location in a shaded and often windy area allows for some flexibility in managing slightly warmer temperatures.

Howie also extended his gratitude to individuals who helped prepare the rink, and he expressed his excitement for the various fundraising and community events he has planned for the rest of the winter season.

The community can stay updated on the rink’s activities and schedule through its Facebook page. Howie also shared his commitment to giving back to the community and how the rink serves as an outlet for him to support those in need.

In conclusion, the opening of the Newmarket community hockey rink is a significant victory over the challenges posed by this winter’s weather. Chris Howie’s dedication and determination have ultimately prevailed, providing the community with a place to enjoy the winter season.

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