Harlow Rugby Club Scores Impressive Victory over Thurrock

The Harlow Rugby Club achieved a decisive victory over Thurrock, securing a final score of 24-48. This triumph elevated Harlow to second place in the Anglia Regional 2 league, surpassing Eton Manor who was defeated by Southend on Saturday.

The match showcased an impressive display of skill from both teams, with Harlow swiftly seizing the lead after Sam Bucknall scored an exceptional try, expertly converted by Liam Batty. Despite Thurrock’s efforts to retaliate and equalize the score with a well-executed try of their own, Harlow’s dominance became evident as they secured a penalty try, followed by another successful conversion by Batty.

The game endured at an unfaltering pace, with four tries scored within a mere 15 minutes. Despite Thurrock gaining an advantage with a deserved penalty, Harlow regrouped and regained control of the match. Through their determination and superior possession, they managed to score several more tries, ultimately clinching an impressive victory.

The standout performer of the game was undoubtedly Brad Etherington, who scored an incredible four tries, earning him the well-deserved title of “man of the match”. Harlow’s upcoming challenge will be against league leaders Southend, and they anticipate an intense and competitive match.

The club eagerly anticipates this top-of-the-table clash and urges fans to show their support at Latton Park. With an impressive track record of 15 wins from 18 games, Harlow is confident and prepared to take on their next opponents.

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