Lou Nanne, a renowned figure in Minnesota hockey, recently bid a fond farewell to the Xcel Energy Center after an illustrious 60-year career in broadcasting. Throughout his tenure, Nanne covered a wide array of hockey events, including the Stanley Cup, the Olympics, and the Minnesota Boys State Hockey Tournament. As he made his way through the arena’s main concourse, he was met with an outpouring of love and support from devoted fans and esteemed vendors.
The occasion proved to be bittersweet for Nanne, as he expressed a mix of both excitement and sentimental feelings towards his final broadcast. For his adoring fans, witnessing the end of an era was an emotional experience, particularly as Nanne was honoured by the Minnesota State High School League just before the commencement of the championship game.
Nanne’s indelible impact on the Minnesota hockey community cannot be overstated, as evidenced by the outpouring of admiration and gratitude from his devoted fans. His colleague, Jim Erickson, also spoke glowingly of Nanne’s exceptional acumen of the game and his adeptness in articulating and analysing on-ice action for the benefit of his listeners.
In reflecting on his storied career, Nanne pointed to his most cherished memories, particularly those spent commentating on the games of his son and grandsons during the state tournaments. Fans and colleagues alike lauded Nanne for his unwavering dedication to Minnesota hockey and expressed profound gratitude for the joy he brought to the sport.
As Nanne takes his final bow, the legacy of his extraordinary broadcasting career and his profound impact on the Minnesota hockey community will undoubtedly be remembered and celebrated for years to come.