Renowned tennis player Paula Badosa has conveyed her apprehension regarding the prospect of competing against her “closest companion” Aryna Sabalenka, in light of the distressing news of Sabalenka’s partner’s passing. Konstantin Koltsov, a former ice hockey player, sadly passed away at the age of 42 in Miami earlier this week in what authorities have confirmed as an “apparent suicide”. Despite this heartrending loss, the world number two Sabalenka is still anticipated to participate in the Miami Open and is slated to confront Badosa in the second round of the tournament.
In a recent announcement, Badosa articulated her deep concern for Sabalenka’s welfare, divulging, “It’s an extremely difficult situation. I conversed with her yesterday. This morning as well. I am aware of the whole circumstance and what is unfolding. It is rather shocking for me to witness this turmoil because ultimately she is my closest companion, and I do not wish to witness her endure this torment. It’s an exceedingly trying situation.”
Koltsov, who represented Belarus at the 2002 and 2010 Winter Olympics and had a stint with the Pittsburgh Penguins in the NHL, has left behind a lasting impact in the realm of sports. The Miami-Dade Police Department has assured that there is no suspicion of foul play surrounding his untimely passing.
Despite the impending match, Badosa conceded that she finds the notion of facing off against Sabalenka to be emotionally taxing, stating, “Competing against her also brings about a sense of discomfort. However, I do not wish to expound on this as I have pledged not to do so. She is my closest companion, and I made a promise. She is a resilient woman, and I believe she will draw strength from somewhere. I hope it will be a battle, a formidable match.”
The tennis community and enthusiasts across the globe are undoubtedly extending their support and well wishes to both Sabalenka and Badosa during this trying period. The determination and fortitude exhibited by these athletes in the face of personal tragedy is truly commendable. As we anticipate the match between Sabalenka and Badosa, we can only hope for a competitive and respectful showcase of tennis prowess, all the while taking into consideration the poignant circumstances surrounding their forthcoming encounter.