In a surprising turn of events, a video has emerged online depicting a teenage boy callously hurling a kitten onto a landfill from a considerable distance. This distressing occurrence transpired at a waste ground site in north Belfast, with multiple youths in the background cheering on the heartless act.
The unsettling footage captures the teenage boy confidently addressing the camera, “This is how you throw a cat,” before callously flinging the helpless feline several metres towards the rubbish tip. The young cat, identifiable by the pink collar it was adorned with, is depicted bouncing on the ground after the cruel throw. The video swiftly circulated on social media, provoking widespread outrage and prompting a report to be lodged with Belfast City Council, as well as an investigation by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).
Nora Smith, CEO of the USPCA, articulated her profound revulsion over the incident, underscoring the necessity for prompt action to address such acts of cruelty. She remarked, “This poor cat is picked up like a rugby ball and hurled a long distance. This is cruel, dangerous, and callous. The video footage has rightly caused shock and horror. It’s horrendous that anyone would deem it acceptable to treat a living creature in such a way and do so for their own entertainment. We hope that the appropriate action is taken to ensure that we send out a loud and clear message that these acts of cruelty will not be tolerated.”
A spokesperson for the PSNI confirmed that an investigation pertaining to animal cruelty is currently underway, in collaboration with the Animal Welfare team at Belfast City Council. Furthermore, the council’s Animal Welfare Team announced that they are presently looking into the case and urged individuals with additional details of the incident to come forward.
This appalling act of animal cruelty serves as a stark reminder of the importance of speaking out against such reprehensible behaviour. It is imperative for the community to take a firm stance against animal cruelty and collaborate to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. Swift and decisive action is necessary to convey a resolute message that such acts of cruelty will not be tolerated in our society.
If you possess any information pertaining to this incident, it is strongly encouraged to report it to Belfast City Council Animal Welfare for further investigation. This necessitates a collective effort to ensure that justice is served and the welfare of animals is safeguarded.
It is vital for us, as a community, to remain vigilant in safeguarding the well-being of our animal companions and standing against any form of cruelty or mistreatment. Let us work together to cultivate a safer and more compassionate environment for all living beings.