The tale of Matt Brown, a local gentleman who endured a spinal injury while participating in high school hockey in 2010, is truly heartwarming. Despite the obstacles and setbacks he encountered, he has chosen not to be defined by his injury. Instead, he has opted to thrive and motivate others through his resilience and determination.
Matt Brown’s extraordinary journey will lead him to the Boston Marathon course for the 10th time, accompanied by his running partner, Lucas Carr. Their narrative is one of optimism, companionship, and the unyielding human spirit. What renders their journey even more exceptional is the fact that they initially crossed paths at Boston Children’s Hospital when Matt was just 15 years old. Since then, they have conquered 13 marathons together, demonstrating that anything is achievable with the appropriate support and mindset.
In 2020, Matt took his passion for aiding others to the next level by launching the Matt Brown Foundation. This remarkable initiative aims to offer assistance to families with a member living with paralysis. The foundation’s objective is a tribute to Matt’s altruism and aspiration to make a positive impact in the lives of those facing similar challenges.
To acquire more information about the Matt Brown Foundation and the outstanding work they undertake, please visit their website at It is genuinely inspiring to witness individuals like Matt Brown and Lucas Carr making a difference in the world and demonstrating that perseverance knows no boundaries.
As we commemorate Matt’s imminent 10th Boston Marathon and commend his efforts to uplift and support others, it is crucial to acknowledge the significance of his story. It functions as a reminder that we should never underestimate the power of the human spirit, nor the influence of extending a helping hand to those in need.
We extend our best wishes to Matt and Lucas as they embrace this remarkable milestone, and we hope that their story continues to serve as a beacon of hope for others facing similar challenges. Matt Brown’s journey is evidence that with unwavering determination, the support of a good friend, and a selfless heart, there is no limit to what one can achieve. We eagerly anticipate tracking their progress and cheering them on as they tackle the Boston Marathon for the 10th time.