Atlanta Dream Empower Young Girls with Basketball Clinics

The Atlanta Dream, a professional Women’s National Basketball Association team, has recently made an impact both on and off the court. The team organized a special basketball clinic for young girls aged 6 through 13 at Girls Inc. in Marietta, which saw over 100 participants.

One attendee, 6th-grader Bailey Edwards, expressed how inspiring it was to see women who looked like her achieving extraordinary things, which motivated her to pursue her own aspirations. The clinic not only focused on honing basketball skills but also integrated science and math into the program. Bailey mentioned that they even coded a basketball game, adding an educational element to the sports clinic.

The President of Atlanta Dream, Morgan Shaw Parker, highlighted the importance of influencing and inspiring young girls early on, creating pathways for them to explore and realize their potential. The goal is to show them that science and math can be enjoyable, especially when presented in the context of basketball.

Tiffany Collie-Bailey, CEO of Girls Inc. of Greater Atlanta, emphasized the value of the clinic, stating that while attending games is enjoyable, the experience of having players personally interact and work with the girls is priceless. This one-on-one engagement helps in shaping the young girls’ future and instilling the qualities of strength, intelligence, and boldness.

The impact of the “Power Her Dreams” clinics is evident in the empowerment and leadership development of the young participants. The clinics aim to create future leaders and provide a platform for girls to thrive and excel. The Atlanta Dream has five more clinics scheduled, with spaces available for interested participants. The next clinic will be held at the Tracy Wyatt Rec Center in College Park on August 10th.

In conclusion, the Atlanta Dream is not only a force on the basketball court but also in the lives of young girls. The basketball clinics organized by the team are aimed at empowering and inspiring girls to realize their full potential in sports, education, and leadership.

Source: WANF (2024). “Atlanta Dream hold basketball clinic for young girls.” Retrieved from [URL]