The esteemed Sodbury Tennis Club, located in the Ridings of Chipping Sodbury, recently celebrated its 70th anniversary in the month of May, marking a momentous occasion. The weeklong festivities commenced with a birthday celebration for a beloved long-standing member, coincidentally also turning 70 years old. The event unfolded with a variety of engaging activities and events, culminating in a Fun Tennis Day on Sunday, May 26.
Participants and tennis enthusiasts took part in walking and social tennis, parent/adult and junior matches, and the opportunity to test the speed of their serves. The schedule also included a Sodbury Bake Off, a hog roast, a photo booth, and an evening disco. The day was filled with laughter and camaraderie, even amidst the traditional dodge the rain shower game.
To commemorate the event and the club’s illustrious history, a special program has been meticulously crafted to serve as a lasting keepsake of the celebration. All members were designated to a House team, with each house representing a Grand Slam tournament – Wimbledon in green, Roland Garros in red, Australian Open in blue, and US Open in yellow. The house competition added a level of friendly rivalry to the festivities.
Throughout the week, a points tally was displayed, motivating house members, champions, and captains to actively participate. The final Sunday saw the crowning of Roland Garros as the coveted House Champions of 2024.
The celebratory week also saw the active participation of all sections of the club’s membership and inclusive tennis groups, both past and present. The overwhelming success of the celebratory events was a testament to the dedication and hard work of the organizing committee, comprised entirely of volunteers. Club chair, Kathy Ryan, expressed her pride and joy in being at the helm of such a remarkable club, acknowledging the support and participation of its members throughout the week.
Sodbury Tennis Club received remarkable accolades at the Avon Tennis round of the national LTA awards. The club was recognised for its outstanding outreach efforts in schools and other institutions to foster a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for tennis. Additionally, Head Coach Pete Caseley was lauded as the Development Coach of the Year, and the unsung hero award was bestowed upon Abi Matthews, in recognition of her exemplary leadership and inspirational qualities.
LTA President, Sandi Proctor, visited Sodbury Tennis Club to extend heartfelt congratulations on the club’s exceptional achievements.
The anniversary celebration highlights the unwavering commitment of Sodbury Tennis Club to foster a vibrant and inclusive community, serving as a beacon of joy and camaraderie for tennis enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds.