The Marvel of Shaolin: Russian Enthusiasts Immersing Themselves in the Ancient Art

The Shaolin Temple, renowned as a bastion of Chinese culture, is celebrated for its extensive heritage in martial arts and Buddhist customs. Most recently, the temple has received 101 devotees from Russia for a two-week immersion programme, marking the ninth installment organized by the Moscow Shaolin Culture Center.

The attendees, spanning from 16 to 72 years of age, have arrived with the intent of mastering Shaolin kung fu, gaining insight into Chan Buddhism practices, and immersing themselves in the daily life of the historic temple in Henan province. Sofia Stepanova, a 16-year-old participant, conveyed her enthusiasm for improving her martial arts abilities and proficiency in the Chinese language. She described the temple as breathtaking and eagerly anticipated delving further into Chinese history, culture, and language – topics she has passionately pursued since childhood.

In discussions regarding the programme, Sofia expressed her aspiration to pursue a career in medicine, particularly in the field of Chinese medicine. She possesses a profound appreciation for languages, currently acquiring fluency in Latin and ancient Greek alongside her command of English and French. Sofia’s enthusiasm and gratitude for her experience at the Shaolin Temple are echoed by numerous others within the group.

Shi Yanbin, the director of the Moscow Shaolin Culture Center and the programme’s architect, highlighted the ardour of the Russian disciples and underscored the programme’s daily regimen, encompassing the study of Shaolin kung fu, calligraphy, and Chan practices. He extolled the peace and serenity of the Shaolin Temple after nightfall, as it fosters the spiritual development of the disciples.

Shi, a resident of Moscow for two decades, underscored the Centre’s substantial following in Russia, particularly amongst the younger demographic, attributing this popularity to the country’s burgeoning cultural self-assurance and admiration of China’s contemporary progress.

Nestled within the Songshan Mountain range, the Shaolin Temple boasts a rich history dating back to the Northern Wei Dynasty. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2010, it continues to beckon enthusiasts and adherents from across the globe, all keen to immerse themselves in the timeless art of Shaolin kung fu and the tenets of Chan Buddhism.

As the Shaolin Temple extends its hospitality to yet another cohort of international disciples, it reaffirms its role as a beacon of cultural exchange and the preservation of ancient customs, captivating the hearts and minds of enthusiasts from all corners of the globe.