Former Keswick Mayor Completes 400-Mile Charity Walk Across Cumbria

Former Mayor of Keswick, Alan Dunn, has successfully completed a 400-mile walk across Cumbria, visiting all 20 of the county’s rugby union clubs. This impressive fundraising effort has raised over £4,700 towards the Keswick Rugby Club’s “Big Build” project, which aims to construct a new clubhouse with a budget exceeding £2 million.

Although not a rugby player himself, Alan Dunn has been a dedicated supporter of the Keswick Rugby Club for many years. In addition to his active involvement, his wife, Heather, has been serving as a first aider at the club for an impressive 23 years. Their entire family has been closely associated with the club, with their sons Mark, Ian, and John (Hine) having played rugby, and their daughter, Katie, currently serving as a coach. Furthermore, their granddaughter, Claudia, has showcased her talents as part of the under 16 Falcons team, contributing to their recent victory in the county cup after an unbeaten season.

Reflecting on his epic journey, Alan Dunn remarked, “I thought if I could walk the new Cumbria coastal path, I thought I could do that from Carlisle down to the south of the county.” However, to incorporate a rugby element, it was decided that he would walk to all the clubs in the county, adding approximately 150 extra miles to his route. This resulted in a 400-mile tour of Cumbria, which spanned 26 days.

Accompanied by his wife Heather for half of the duration, the journey commenced on May 7th at Kirkby Lonsdale, leading to a trek from Carlisle over to the south of the county. The couple encountered various challenges along the way, ranging from being bitten by midges and nettles to navigating fields with cows. Despite these obstacles, the experience was described as an enriching adventure that exposed them to numerous hidden gems and picturesque sights across the county.

The culminating moment of the journey was marked by their arrival at Keswick Rugby Club, where they were greeted by the president, Tim Green, and other supporters. Reflecting on their accomplishment, Alan Dunn expressed his gratitude to the local community for their overwhelming response to the fundraising campaign.

The funds raised by this initiative will significantly contribute to the ongoing “Big Build” project, which has already made substantial progress with the completion of the clubhouse roof. Generously, a benefactor has agreed to match the funds raised by the club, providing further impetus to the endeavour.

The journey of Alan Dunn stands as a testament to the enduring community spirit and resilience of the Keswick residents, reflecting their unwavering commitment to the success of the Keswick Rugby Club’s ambitious project.