Courteney Cox, renowned for her portrayal of Monica Geller, recently shared a comical video on her Instagram account, exhibiting her impressive tennis prowess. The amusing skit depicts Cox engaging in a friendly match against actor and TikToker Cliff Cisneros, showcasing her ability to return the ball in various settings such as alighting from a car, walking her dog, and even reclining on her couch.
The video garnered significant attention, drawing comments from prominent figures in the tennis community such as Serena Williams’ former coaches Patrick Mouratoglou and Rennae Stubbs. Mouratoglou lauded Cox’s commitment, citing the 10,000 repetitions required to master a shot, while Stubbs specifically praised Cox’s forehand technique, remarking that it was ‘looking pretty good’.
Furthermore, Rennae Stubbs raised inquiries regarding tennis player Holger Rune’s choice to re-engage his former coach Patrick Mouratoglou after a series of coaching changes. Expressing her surprise on her ‘Racquet’s Rennae Stubbs Tennis Podcast’, Stubbs expressed skepticism and did not anticipate the reunion to occur.
On a separate note, speculation has surfaced about Serena Williams’ religious beliefs, as she refrains from celebrating birthdays or Christmas. The sports icon adheres to the Jehovah’s Witness faith, explaining her decision to abstain from these festivities.
In summary, Courteney Cox’s tennis abilities have undoubtedly captured the attention of tennis professionals, eliciting praise and recognition from esteemed figures in the tennis community. Meanwhile, Serena Williams’ former coaches have voiced their reservations and uncertainties regarding coaching decisions in the tennis world, while the religious beliefs of the tennis legend have also been subject to scrutiny.