Actress Zendaya has recently shared details about how tennis icon Serena Williams responded to her upcoming movie ‘Challengers’, in which she portrays a tennis player who transitions into coaching. In an interview with ET, the 27-year-old actress discussed Serena’s reaction, mentioning that the tennis star was impressed with her performance on the court. Zendaya disclosed that Serena acknowledged the use of CGI tennis balls in the film and commended her portrayal of a tennis player despite having no prior experience with the sport. The Euphoria star also admitted to feeling anxious about how Serena’s older sister, Venus Williams, would perceive her portrayal of tennis in the movie, expressing a mix of excitement and apprehension upon learning that Venus had attended the movie premiere.
‘Challengers’ is an upcoming film directed by Luca Guadagnino, slated for release on April 26. The movie features Zendaya in the role of a tennis star who transitions into coaching after suffering a career-ending injury. Despite her anxieties about Venus’s assessment of her tennis skills in the movie, Zendaya paid homage to the Williams sisters by recreating their 1998 Vogue cover, donning the same white beaded braids and black-and-white gown for a photo shoot with Vogue. The actress expressed gratitude to Wes Gordon, the creative director of Carolina Herrera, for assisting in recreating the iconic look.
A post by Zendaya’s stylist and friend, Law Roach, showcasing Zendaya’s tribute to Venus and Serena garnered praise from Venus, who was impressed by the recreation and conveyed her admiration for Zendaya. She also shared the portraits on her Instagram, acknowledging the iconic nature of Zendaya’s portrayal of the Williams sisters’ Vogue cover. Throughout the promotional tour for ‘Challengers’, Zendaya paid homage to Venus and Serena with a range of tennis-themed looks, demonstrating her appreciation for the renowned tennis players.
Zendaya’s disclosure about Serena Williams’s response to ‘Challengers’ provides valuable insight into the tennis legend’s perspective on the film and Zendaya’s portrayal of tennis. The actress’s apprehension about Venus Williams’s perception of her tennis skills in the movie adds a personal dimension to her experience of portraying a tennis player on screen. With the film’s release on the horizon, Zendaya’s depiction of a tennis player-turned-coach and the support she has received from Serena and Venus Williams further underscore the anticipation and excitement surrounding ‘Challengers’.