The lead actor of the current top Netflix series, Baby Reindeer, recently disclosed his loyalty to a football team. The series, which has quickly risen to the top of the streaming platform, revolves around the life of Scottish writer and actor Richard Gadd. The storyline follows the life of a fictional barman, Donny Dunn, whose world is shaken by an obsessive stalker. The drama, released earlier this month, quickly claimed the number one spot on the platform, propelling Gadd’s work into the limelight.
In a double celebration for the talented creator, his football team, Dundee United, secured a league title. Having faced relegation last season, Dundee United’s 0-0 draw away to Airdrie sealed their place back in the cinch Scottish Premiership. The Tannadice club’s triumphant return was marked by jubilant scenes at the Excelsior Stadium, with supporters rushing onto the field to celebrate alongside former Celtic striker Tony Watt and ex-Rangers kid Glenn Middleton.
Despite the joyous occasion, there were some regretful instances of opposing fans exchanging punches. Noticing these occurrences, a former Tangerines star labelled the pitch invasion as “not nice”. However, 34-year-old Richard Gadd maintained composure during the celebrations. In a shared video, the Fife-born comedian congratulated Jim Goodwin’s men on their promotion to the Premiership. With a touch of humour, he mentioned potentially watching second division action again, before expressing his pride and excitement for the team’s success.
In response to Gadd’s video, the ‘Real Baby Reindeer stalker’ made unflattering comments about the actor, likening him to “no Brad Pitt”. Despite this, the actor’s genuine support and congratulations for Dundee United’s achievement remained unwavering.
The news of Richard Gadd’s favourite football team adds a fascinating layer to the actor’s public persona, further piquing the interest of fans of the hit show Baby Reindeer. With this revelation, followers of the talented actor and the accomplished football team alike will undoubtedly feel a stronger connection to a popular figure in the entertainment industry.