Sophie Evans, the talented Welsh singer, recently embarked on a trip to Lisbon for her belated hen party alongside some close friends. The group marked the occasion with a stylish celebration, wherein Sophie and her friends adorned outfits that bore special significance to her, paying homage to her rugby-playing husband, Ellis Jenkins.
Sophie and Ellis, who exchanged vows in 2022, have captivated audiences with their endearing love story. Prior to their nuptials, Sophie enjoyed a memorable “mini-hen” with her friends in Cardiff, expressing her overwhelming joy and gratitude on social media. Fast-forward to the present, her friends have surpassed expectations by orchestrating a European soiree for Sophie, with everyone fully embracing the festive spirit.
In the charming images shared online, Sophie is depicted donning Ellis’ Cardiff strip, coupled with an Ellis face mask and a bridal headpiece. Meanwhile, her companions opted for ensembles representing the various roles Sophie has portrayed, including Dorothy from the illustrious stage production The Wizard Of Oz. The group’s ingenuity undoubtedly rendered the affair indelible.
Sophie and Ellis’ love story traces back to their adolescence and has blossomed into a beautiful family, with the couple now parenting a son together. Ellis, who recently announced his retirement from rugby, expressed his gratitude towards his wife for her unwavering support over the course of his career. Reciprocally, Sophie acknowledged Ellis’ exceptional attributes, affirming her pride in him.
Sophie, who rose to stardom as a finalist in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s talent show Over The Rainbow, has consistently enthralled audiences with her prowess, portraying iconic roles such as Dorothy in The Wizard Of Oz and Glinda in the renowned West End production Wicked.
Sophie’s hen party served as a testament to the profound love and support that she and Ellis tender towards each other, surrounded by friends who celebrated her in a manner that was both jovial and meaningful. Witnessing their love story unfold is heartwarming, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing further exquisite moments from this delightful couple in the future.