Ace Your Tennis Game: Beginner Tips from Tennis Pro Harriet Dart

As Wimbledon approaches, the allure of engaging in a game of tennis while adorned in fashionable attire is strong for many, myself included. However, for beginners, mastering the sport requires a substantial amount of dedication and perseverance. In an effort to assist individuals embarking on their tennis journey, I had the privilege of conversing with British tennis player and ASICS athlete, Harriet Dart, to glean valuable beginner tips from her professional expertise.

Warm Up Before You Hit the Court
Harriet underlines the significance of engaging in a warm-up routine before commencing play. Engaging in a brief jog or mobility exercises can significantly reduce the likelihood of injuries and post-game soreness.

Keep Nerves at Bay
Commencing a new activity often elicits feelings of trepidation. Harriet advocates for acknowledging that these sentiments are shared by all beginners. To assuage her own nerves, she relies on positive affirmations and music that fosters a conducive mindset.

Embrace the Learning Process
Embracing mistakes as an inherent aspect of the learning journey is a viewpoint emphasised by Harriet. She underscores the fact that professionals also commit errors and encourages beginners to focus on putting forth their best effort on the court.

Find Your Own Way of Resting
Recognising the importance of rest for adequate recovery, Harriet pursues mindful activities such as constructing Lego sets to unwind. Encouragement is extended to individuals to identify their own methods of relaxation and allocate time for it subsequent to a gratifying tennis session.

Utilise Your Fitness Tracker
Should you possess a fitness tracker, harness its functionalities to your benefit. Harriet utilises a WHOOP Band to meticulously plan her training sessions and rest days.

Off-Court Training is Key
Conducting off-court training is deemed vital by Harriet, as tennis necessitates a comprehensive workout regimen to bolster strength and mitigate the risk of injuries. She advises concentrating on fortifying core muscles and stabilising the body to enhance on-court performance.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun
Given the propensity to play tennis in the summer, safeguarding one’s skin becomes imperative. Sunscreen is an essential requirement, with Harriet endorsing La Roche-Posay Helios owing to its lightweight formulation and sweat-resistance.

Having internalised these invaluable tips from Harriet Dart, individuals are now equipped to approach the court with confidence and elevate their tennis prowess. Whether the aspiration is to refine skills or derive enjoyment from the sport, these beginner recommendations serve as a stepping stone towards a fulfilling tennis experience.