Fight Against Illegal Speed Bumps: Association Takes Legal Action

In France, there’s a big debate about speed bumps. It turns out that many of them don’t meet the legal requirements. They’re either too high or the wrong shape. According to the association Pour une mobilité sereine et durable (PUMSD), a whopping 450,000 speed bumps don’t meet the right criteria. This association, along with the Fédération française des motards en colère (FFMC), has taken the matter to court. And guess what? They’ve won! The authorities have finally admitted that speed bumps must comply with the regulations. So, in theory, anyone can now take legal action against illegal speed bumps all over the country. They either have to be fixed or removed. According to the NF P 98-300 standard, speed bumps should not exceed 10 centimetres in height and four metres in width. They shouldn’t be placed in a curve or near a bridge, and they shouldn’t disrupt public transportation routes. It’ll be interesting to see how this unfolds. The Council of State has asked for clarification on the definition of speed bumps, which means that municipalities will have to comply with the law. Stay tuned for more updates!

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